Young wolf

The only thing we know about the Transmutation is that it is inevitable, and takes place between 13 and 19.

It is known not only to grown ups whose Transmutation is far behind in the past, but also to small ones doomed to go through the T. in the close future.

To live under this threaten is a hassle. Mothers’ horrific lullabies don’t prepare young brood for a real horror. A wolf will come after you, they sing.

This is what human fortune is, they say. Although it would be better put as a misfortune.

No one knows which alteration is ready for him. On an unhappy morning after a dreadful night one can discover horns on his head, hooves in the place of his feet, heavy wings under his shoulder blades.

Were we lucky or not, but the lullaby went literal in our case. Whom we got was a young wolf.